About Me

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy name is Wesley Smith. I graduated from James Madison University with a B.S. in Biology. After a career in organ transplant, I went back to school to focus on nutrition and became a Registered Dietitian.

My interest in nutrition developed after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Having always been “fit, and healthy”, I began to question the definition of healthy food. With my education in Biology and mindset based on evolution, the idea that our current “healthy foods” may not necessarily be ideal for our current lifestyle began to take root (pun intended).

A lot of research, reading, and self experimenting started. I tried many different “fad” diets in order to learn how each affected my body. MyPlate is supposed to be the culmination of our greatest scientific minds; limiting fat and calories while increasing grains and vegetables. If this was ideal, you’d think more people would have success on it. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

It comes back to one question: what did humans do and eat to survive for the past 1.5 million years, and what should we do today? To answer this we need to look at our roots and learn from our ancestors to build healthy and sustainable futures.